Docker the Important Container and Rapid Deployment and Security

28 Mar, 2019

How Docker helps company organization and how it works as a best container now a days?
You would get a headache, too, if you had to manually configure yet another server to verify another new product increment or add another member to your project team. Now imagine doing that in a flash.
Docker’s self-sufficient containers allow for rapid configuration of present environments, even if you need them only for a quick POC. Docker is a valuable tool in every software house that aims for streamlined and organized development work. Docker helps developers code faster and deploy apps sooner. Let’s take a look at how it benefits company organization and why it’s good to show devs how to use it best.
What is Docker?
Docker is an open-source software for deployment and development of applications within containers. Containers allow developers to emulate applications regardless of the OS and programming language, across multiple computers.
Containers are portable and can be run both in the cloud or on a machine with Docker installed, which makes using Docker in developing very flexible.
Client Benefits
In general, using Docker in client projects allows us to be more efficient and less dependent on externalities. Docker lets us work on more projects while allowing us to deliver the same results.
We use Docker because it makes controlling our development process much easier, which generates faster results for our clients, even if dev team size is dynamic throughout the project. So far, we’ve noticed Docker benefiting our clients the most during:
– Rapid changes of team members—comfort in choosing highly specialized staff for your projects. Specialized staff can start bringing noticeable contributions to the dev team on the first contact, not days after getting situated.
– Decreased dependency on hosting service providers, which could otherwise impose general environment updates or patches that can interfere with your development process.
– Superfast migrations of the current state development instances when forced to move to a different or more powerful host server.
– Rapid deployments and demos of specific product increments in autonomous environments independently of other ongoing dev efforts.
– Ability to perform quick and harmless POC (Proof of Concept) installation of larger external modules while having the comfort of cancelling such tests without the need for backups, rollbacks, or any other risks in clients’ production systems.
– Fluent and easy server-environment experiments with fast feedback after empirical proof that certain concept does or does not bring benefits to a client. All of it while working in an isolated area—separated from future dev efforts if need be.
– Lower hosting costs for clients who prefer or are forced to centralize all of their web systems on one server, at the same time allowing them to safely differentiate environment configurations; for instance, various PHP versions on PROD and on DEV while both live on the same server.
We train our team and help client to make deployment more organizedContact Us now to make deployment easier.

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Docker and container technologies Docker container
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