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Looking for Best CSS Frameworks in 2020? Well, here we have listed down some of the best trending CSS frameworks so that you can get a detailed overview of various CSS frameworks at once. As we know that a CSS framework is a code library that abstracts common web designs and makes the designs easier for a developer to implement in their web apps. In simple terms, a CSS framework is a collection of CSS style-sheets that are prepped and ready to use.
1. Bootstrap Bootstrap is the most popular one, holds the first position in our list for best CSS frameworks 2020. Among web developers, it has emerged as the leading Front-end framework. Of course, that’s the main reason behind the recent rise in the popularity of the framework. To enable web developers in building different user interface components, Bootstrap is a blend of CSS, JavaScript, and HTML code. Bootstrap 4 is the latest version of the framework, it comes with new components, a better stylesheet, and enables your web pages to be more responsive. Also, Bootstrap 4, supports both LESS and SASS The credit for the development of Bootstrap goes to the makers of Twitter. Originally, Bootstrap was called ‘Twitter Blueprint’. The name Bootstrap came into existence in 2011. Apart from offering a superb grid system, Bootstrap also features some common HTML elements in the form of reusable components. Some of them include navigation bars, dropdowns, pagination, labels, etc. You can easily incorporate them into web design. So, do you realize what the best part is? You don’t have to start from scratch while building a website!
2. Materialize CSS Materialize CSS is a responsive front-end framework based on the material design with collections of UI components with minimal effects on which users can easily attract. Materialize is fully responsive in Tablets and mobile. It is easy to learn as well as excellent documentation is provided. This framework has large community support and great positive feedback. Materialize CSS allows you to customize options with an impressive set of color collections. Materialize Admin Templates based on Materialize CSS framework are vastly used over the world due to its responsiveness. If you are looking for some of the free admin templates/ bootstrap templates based on material design, then you can check the materialize admin template.
3. Material Design Lite Material Design Lite is a UI component library created with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. It lets you add a Material Design look and feel to your websites. Besides, it doesn’t rely on any JavaScript frameworks and aims to optimize for cross-device use, gracefully degrade in older browsers, and offer an experience that is immediately accessible. You can use the components to construct attractive, consistent, and functional web pages and web apps. Pages developed with MDL will be able to support all the modern web design principles like browser portability, graceful degradation, and device independence. The MDL component library offers new versions of common user interface controls such as buttons, text fields, and checkboxes, which follow Material Design concepts. The library also includes advanced and specialized features like cards, spinners column layouts, sliders, typography, tabs, and more. MDL is free to download and use, and may be used with or without any library or development environment (such as Web Starter Kit). It is a cross-browser, cross-OS web developer’s toolkit.
4. Semantic UI Semantic UI is one of the best CSS frameworks in 2020, developed by Jack Lukic. He is a full-stack developer who used the Natural language principles to create the Semantic UI framework. Powered by jQuery and LESS, Semantic UI flaunts a sleek, flat, and subtle look. This contributes to the lightweight user experience. It has a comparatively small community. But the members are enthusiastic and loyal. The goal here is to create a language to share UI and empower developers and designers alike. The Semantic UI community has already made about 3000+ themes.
5. Bulma Bulma is a Flexbox-based open-source and one of the best CSS frameworks in 2020. More than 200,000 developers use it all over the world. It helps developers understand how they can codify a component. Even if you need a visual component, Bulma is here to your rescue. The front-end framework uses various techniques for providing front-end developers with a cohesive interface. Moreover, thanks to the responsive templates, we can focus better on the content rather than fretting over the code the entire time.
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