POS Integration Services

We help a business create a fully connected sales environment by offering our POS integration services to connect your business systems seamlessly. Hence, we bridge offline and online sales by selecting the right POS for you.

Let's Talk
POS Integration Services

A One-stop POS Integration Service Company

Briskstar is a one-stop POS integration service-providing company that has been working for years in the industry and has served global clients with expected satisfaction. Our integration of your business systems with your POS makes the sales process smooth and rapid. Using the latest POS integration technologies gives your business an edge over your competition and opens the door for new opportunities and growth.

Our Valuable POS Integration Services

  • POS e-commerce integration
  • POS ERP integration
  • POS inventory integration
  • POS CRM integration
  • POS accounting integration
  • POS order and shipping integration

Key Benefits of Our POS
Technology Services

Your business will find the following benefits of our POS integration services.


Sales On Multiple Locations

If you have sales points at multiple locations, be it offline or online, our POS integration syncs all sales data with your business systems seamlessly and lets you make sales in harmony with an integrated environment.


Easy Inventory Management

If your business is online or offline and with distributed inventory, we make inventory management easy for your sales departments across different locations. They can see stock in real-time and save your business from under/over sales of products.


Ease Cross-channel Promotions

We ease your cross-channel promotions and discounts by creating an integrated sales environment where updates take place in real-time and allow your business to make customized and personalized offers.

Our Refined POS Integration Process

  • Initial Evaluation
  • Analyse
  • Integration Build
  • Test
  • Implement
  • Validate, Enrich, & Expand

Our Flexible Engagement Models

We carefully create engagement models, considering clients' requirements and budgetary constraints.


Our Expertise in POS Integration Technologies


Using standard web development technologies, we create UIs for POS web pages and mobile applications.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

mainly use Python and JavaScript frameworks programming the backend of POS. However, we also use other technologies.

  • Python
  • JavaScript

We select databases based on POS plus business requirements. We are comfortable with SQL and NoSQL both.

  • SQL
  • NoSQL

We can deploy your business applications as well as POS integration on leading cloud services.

  • Oracle
  • AWS
  • Azure

We are good at various hardware integration with your POS system and make your sales an automated process.

  • Card Readers
  • Barcode Scanners

We achieve accuracy and security with thorough testing of your POS. We use automated and manual testing tools.

  • Automated Or Manual testing tools

Frequently asked questions

  • Payment processing.
  • Accounting.
  • Inventory management.
  • Payroll.
  • Employee scheduling.
  • Shipping and order management.
  • Reservation and appointment management.
  • Email marketing.
  • Loyalty programs.

  • Warehouse management for retailers.
  • Age verification for retailers.
  • Rental management.
  • Online alcohol sales and delivery.
  • Customer support.
  • Membership management.
  • Online order management for hospitality and retail industries.
  • Menu and food delivery management.
  • Kitchen management for hotels and restaurants.
  • Guest management.
  • Tip management.

  • Handheld POS terminal.
  • Barcode scanner.
  • Card reader.
  • Add-on display.
  • Weight scale.
  • Cash drawer.

Let's Discuss Your Project

Well, you learned a lot about our POS integration services. But do you feel our POS integration can help your business in the coming days or years?

If so, please pick up your phone and let our team know your requirements. You will get a free quote and our guidance as a bonus!

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